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A video is going viral on social media that captures the moment a beautiful lady slapped her boyfriend in public the moment he saw him walking with another lady.
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The fumed lady who didn’t know the lady the guy was walking with but only perceived her as a second girlfriend just went straight to him and gave him a dirty slap, removing his slippers, taking away his wallet and calling him all sorts of names.
After unleashing some harsh words, the guy who had been quiet all throughout explained to his lady who still meted harsh words to her boyfriend.
After the lady getting to know that the lady in question is the guy’s sister, the guy walked away with his sister whiles onlookers watched in awe gave the girlfriend a fair share of insults for rushing into making a judgement.
See the video below;
Girlfriend slaps her boyfriend in public, cos she thought he was cheating. pic.twitter.com/6LWFZL5EMA
— GistReel.Com (@GistReel) April 19, 2021
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