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Jackline Mensah is alive to tell her story of how fire engulfed her house suddenly and nearly snuffed the life out of her.
She shared proof of what happened in a series of videos and photos on her official IG page. One of the videos depicted flames marks all over her despite wearing a bathrobe.
In the other photos she posted, her room was in disarray as parts of the room seemed to have been ruined by the fire outbreak.
She shared the sad report saying;
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“I nearly lost my life last night. I was taking my shower when my house caught fire suddenly, starting from my studio. Really can’t explain how I feel now.And He that is in me is greater than he that is in the world. I am alive 🙏🙏“
The cause of the fire has not been divulged yet as of press time but hopefully, we’ll update you on more details when they develop.
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