HomeNigeriaDisturbing video shows young school girls in their uniforms smoking shisha inside...

Disturbing video shows young school girls in their uniforms smoking shisha inside a sitting room

Not only the girls should be disciplined, it should go to the one videoing them too.
Cause am sure its the owner house, someone don’t just have shesha in his or her parents house.
This an adult house, and am sure its the adult that’s videoing them for fun.
The video clearly shows they left school to the place , meaning they were invited , someone is sponsoring their stupidity
That’s what I believe
When i was in secondary school, i saw this a lot
Many of my female classmates sneaking out of school to meet their older boyfriends outside (adults) , who introduce them to smoking, drugs, etc
And many of em end up wasted.
So I know its the same thing happening here.

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